
Implementation of the NQSW Supported Year in Scotland

The Scottish Government is committed to the national implementation of a supported first year in practice for newly qualified social workers (NQSWs) by October 2024.

Activity to support implementation of the NQSW Supported Year began in 2020. To date we have supported 24 local authority employers and 1 independent sector employer to develop ways of supporting their NQSWs. The early implementation work has been vital to creating and testing a framework for supporting our newly qualified social workers.

Local implementation areas have indicated that there are benefits to the approach for NQSWs, supervisors and teams where structured oversight and organisational support is given, which requires continuing dedicated oversight of the NQSW Supported Year. Learning from local areas and wider network partners’ will help shape national rollout. 

All employers will need to be familiar with the following key documents before October 2024:

What are organisations doing to implement the supported year?

“We are adopting a four-staged approach to implement the supported year.  Our first stage was to identify a process with HR which enables NQSWs to be identified at the point of recruitment. Secondly, develop a self-evaluation tool based on the employer support for NQSWs.  Thirdly, identify a steering group and working groups/ focus groups to undertake mapping, scoping, and research for implementing a NQSW Supported Year within our organisation and finally, identify key recommendations for implementing a NQSW Supported Year.”

“Implementing the supported year requires a whole systems approach that both meets the core components but also how the organisation benefits from this work. It is important that these benefits are explicit. As part of our programme we have one to one mentors although we have additional mentors who will focus on the activities and materials that support the work of the mentors. This will allow us to be more timeous with what emerges. We are also seeking to understand our experience internally to strengthen our approach to workforce planning.”

“Supporting line managers in monthly meeting re all core aspects. Rolling out mentoring training to make it uniformed across the council.”

“Clear and consistent communication with Team Manager and NQSWs about the NQSW Supported Year and core learning elements at the start of their year. Bringing the NQSWs together regularly to provide peer support in an NQSW Forum. Thinking about the core learning elements and how we can support NQSWs with learning in these areas. Planning what kind of training and support Mentors will need in their new role.”

“Working collaboratively with HSCPs social work teams, in preparation for change, by exploring their attitude/understanding of existing pathways for NQSWs, thus enabling more considerate options to be considered with the implementation of the new requirements. Preparing for a development day with the Learning and Development Team to discuss the creation of the Learning Academy, for NQSW and Students.”

“Project managing the supported year with key tasks and timescales identified and mapped against the core components and Core learning elements for social workers: NQSW descriptors. Building the infrastructure/framework for the supported year in anticipation that we can commission individuals in the near future to coordinate the specific tasks, including web area, reflective forums, learning appraisals, etc.  Currently identifying 6 NQSW to formally track through the process.”

What have areas learned so far?

“The importance of clear communication with Team Manager and NQSW about the year. Learning is not just focussed on NQSWs, but how we create a learning environment for the organisation. The importance of clarity for NQSW about CPL and learning at the start of their year, so that this is established through their careers. Social Work values need to part of how we provide mentorship for NQSW to establish ethical practice and a robust understanding of the profession.”

“Although no-one is against this approach and model, the reality of implementation is that this is proving to be very difficult as it is entwined with status, remuneration and these national issues for social work”

“We have learned that implementing the supported year for NQSWs is a significant task which requires a great deal of planning, mapping, and scoping to ensure that an approach is identified which is not only supportive for the NQSW, but also for the mentors and Supervisors. 

The introduction of a NQSW CPL Session has reinforced the importance of wellbeing and peer support, especially when considering the NQSW Supported Year alongside the other priorities and policies of the organisation (i.e. hybrid working/ trauma-informed practice). It has also enabled us to identify the need to support Mentors and Team Managers, not only from a training/ development perspective but also in relation to wellbeing as it is recognised as a further change which may be perceived by some as an additional pressure/ demand. 

It is also evident that this is an organisational change as opposed to only social work (i.e. need to involve human resources re: identifying NQSWs) and an opportunity to create development pathways for social workers in respect of mentoring roles.”

“There have been challenges in terms of breaking down the project to make it attractive to those we would like to drive some of the work. Over the last few weeks, we have made progress on some of the components and will be revisiting the overall plan to identify gaps and offer smaller packages of work more aligned with social work practice, e.g. forums, mentoring, supervision, peer support, etc.”

“I have been very impressed by line managers commitment to make this year a success and their time commitment to ensuring the success of the project. I’m not surprised by the inconsistencies across the organisation but making roads into a more uniformed approach. I would recommend the NQSW area of the SSSC site to all involved. It is easy to use and the models such as 7-eyed model of supervision are very relevant”