23 Mar 2021

Supervision learning and development materials

Supervision learning and development materials

As part of the suite of supervision information and resources, we include here some learning and development materials for managers, supervisors and employers.

Adaptable materials for your organisation

We offer some adaptable training materials which your organisation can use online or face to face to provide learning sessions to NQSWs.

These are notes for people facilitating learning sessions for each suggested half-day training session for either NQSW or their supervisors. These notes include some learning from themes arising from the presenters and participants in test sessions.

The intended audience for these materials includes experienced supervisors who wish to train others who are either new or established supervisors of NQSW.

This recognises that in smaller organisations or in rural or remote offices there may not be readily available social workers with a learning and development role.

The materials include an example of a simple one-page feedback form you may consider using locally to help you adapt the materials as you develop the training with an intention of creating an off-the-shelf option that could then be adapted to suit local needs.

These materials would not be suited to a mixed group of NQSW and their supervisors without significant revision.     

We would recommend that you take time to read the supervision and professional development overview along with the supporting materials on this website and integrate this information into your session.

In the test session that we ran, the overview for either NQSW or their supervisors was used as pre-reading to reduce direct input from the trainer and to create discussion applied to experience in practice and group work among the participants.

This session for NQSWs includes two experiential components around contracting and negotiating individual supervision and introducing a model for peer group supervision.

“The training made me think more about the supervision I give to everyone, not just NQSWs”

Experienced supervisor

The session for supervisors was developed following consultation with the sector and benefits from initial testing out. The training materials include a pack of suggested slides, trainer notes, a pre-reading overview and an evaluation template all of which can be adapted to local needs.

“The supervisors training session was helpful, delivering further sessions ourselves would be good as it is such a huge undertaking to roll that out and to ensure that everyone is getting the same standard of supervision”

Local Authority Manager

There are notes for the session included for you to download. You can download and adapt both the presentations and the notes. The content is for you to take and expand or apply locally as you wish within the wider framework of standards and ethics for NQSWs and the supported year. This approach is sometimes known as remixing and attributions/references within slides to original material need to be maintained in any remix. Although these materials are offered to be adapted locally, it is really important to note the context of these and the supporting information.

There are many more related resources allowing you to go into more depth should you wish to expand the training beyond the half-day session outlined.


Useful ideas

  • We will be using these materials in the next stages of our national project and would love to hear about what you think.
  • Let us know how these might be used in your organisation

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