21 Nov 2022

Social work in rural areas

Social work in rural areas

This page is currently under development

Newly-qualified social workers in remote and rural areas

The vast majority (97%) of Scotland’s land mass is defined as rural; it is inhabited by 17% of the population. Colin Turbett (in his paper, Rural Social Work in Scotland: IRISS, 2019) lays out the implications of this for social work and other public services.

Despite improvements in transport links, he notes that “differences between rural and urban living are still pronounced. The Scottish Government looks at this in terms of a continuum, with intensely populated urban areas like Glasgow at one end, and sparsely populated islands at the other.

“Geographical location on this continuum will help shape a person’s identity. It will also determine choices available to them, with affordability a factor. From both these factors, stem social advantage and disadvantage. Proximity to an urban area that can be accessed easily will result in a completely different life experience to one at the remote rural end of the continuum.

“Social work and other public services [including important third sector organisations] provided in rural areas with sparse populations are especially expensive to provide. Cuts [in public spending] are felt proportionally harder if services are not extensive in the first place.”

Working as a newly-qualified social worker in rural areas brings opportunities and challenges which are different to working in urban areas. Social workers need particular skills and knowledge to work effectively within rural communities.  

We are working with stakeholders to help us develop resources for newly-qualified social workers on this page. These cover:

  • Issues to consider when planning to work in a rural or remote area
  • Helpful resources
  • Developing your social worker ‘toolbox’
  • Case studies
  • Travel in remote and rural areas
  • My support network
  • Helpful resources

Iriss rural social work resources

[We welcome your suggestions about themes or resources which would be helpful to include on this page.]

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